Sorry Yelp, Karma Is A B!@#

@shelzmike Yelp allowed 2 fake negative reviews that are literally identical and referencing services we don’t offer, both left within 1 minute of each other up, but has taken 6 positive ones from real clients down. Rot in hell.
@godismyprovider “Well I’ll see if there’s anything I can do about that. I’ll forward the complaint to our review team. In the mean time, can I interest you in one of our ad packages.” wink
@shelzmike Yelp is the worst. Plain and simple. One time they even asked me to run a summer long promotional event for them for free with my photography service saying it would be great exposure...I also ran like 4 months of ads with them and got zero business. Fuck Yelp
@shelzmike No need to tell them off. When they ask for the business owner, ask to take a message, they’ll decline, save their number and ignore when they call back. Repeat for six months until they call from a new number. I have been doing this four years now and have actually talked to a yelp salesman twice.

Oh and our most glowing review is hidden by them. Fuck em.
@shelzmike Blew $400 on their piece of shit platform, not 1 conversion! Then some asshole calls me up to get feedback? Says "ya... seems like your keywords (for residential appraising) are marked up because it's considered "real estate"... we don't get too many leads in that vertical"

Yet somehow I spent $400 for 0 conversions, 20 clicks, not a phone call.
@shelzmike Is it ironic that they were so pushy getting other people to pay for their services that they lost their revenue entirely? Shouldn’t they have invested in other services or put some of their effort into improving their own reputation?
@shelzmike They call weekly or every other week. Every few weeks its a new sales person.

I've tried polite, I've tried rude, I've tried explaining that I could invest the $15 a day or $400 a month into something that creates revenue in the shop beyond the ROI they can estimate and certainly not guarantee.

I've even told them that yelp has a horrible image among small businesses and that they should really try to get that under control.

They are persistent. Last two times I've had customers walk in while on the phone with them and just told them I am super busy and have to let them go.

YELP will never be something I am interested in and I will never spend a dime with them.
@shelzmike I have a sticky note next to the phone w yelp numbers to avoid but those fuckers are sneaky. We have two locations so it’s non stop. It’s always, “Wow. It looks like a lot of people love ‘business name.’” Which they always mispronounce. “Looks like you get a lot of yelp views”. Yeah. So wtf do I need to pay! I am always pleasant cuz I’ve heard horror stories about how they fuck you if you’re rude. But it is always a new rep. What a shit job.