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  1. 6

    CoronaTracker - Latest news & updates on 2019-nCoV by hundreds of volunteer professionals

    @frankieberg1985 Wow, this is extremely useful! Thank you!
  2. 6

    Does this deal tell that my CTO doesn’t give a sh*t?

    @rightway2truth Don't get into this mess. I got into business with someone I didn't know well because of my naivety and I'm paying for it. He doesn't give a rats ass about the business while I try to keep it afloat. This is one of the biggest mistakes of my life plus one of my biggest...
  3. 6

    Tear about my girlfriend’s potential business idea

    @boydantrim Just target private schools! P.s. it's a great business strategy
  4. 6

    Boss is offering ownership

    @jag157 What happens when they find another non-paying customer in the "new" venture?
  5. 6

    CEO asking to triple salary

    @porpoise Can I hire you?
  6. 6

    Day 4: Starting a Profitable Window Cleaning Business in Just 10 Days

    @gideonfisk Hi great post. Upvoted. I am catching up on your other posts. What happened to part 2? Cheers
  7. 6

    How do I make my business legal? 14 y/o

    @musicalandrea This kid makes twice as much as me a week 🥴
  8. 6

    OSHA called us, what do we do now?

    @tasky And or from the gas station across the street. I worked for a tire company that got hit HARD multiple times and us techs saw osha over next door taking pictures (we walk to the gas station to get a drink or snack)
  9. 6

    AMA: I don't know who needs to hear this, but you made the right decision to go on your own!

    @startopia Its very simple there are 2 accounts namely personal and business If the cash flows to you from outside (from clients, dividends etc) it will be credit. If the cash flow is away from account (like subscription, payment, salary etc) it is debit. Now do this for 2 different accounts...
  10. 6

    Startup Startup - The platform connecting talent to build amazing startup teams

    @jezza1 The site looks good and welcoming. I am currently working on a startup project, an idea I have. I might come back later and see what I can get there :) Good job and great idea. I hope people will use it.
  11. 6

    Are IG “influencers” worth it? How to deny the ask?

    @theredraven Someone asked this the other day You will eventually learn the difference between authentic people who truly love your product and want to promote it, and those who just want free things. I have my own clothing company about living authentically, and I reached out to two people...
  12. 6

    The 11 best (actually free) AI tools to launch, scale, and run your businesses + side projects more efficiently

    @andrearay86 Bing Image Creator is powered by Dall-E and you get 100 free credits.
  13. 6

    Cleaning Business Name Ideas

    @zeckycarter16 Eminent Cleaning
  14. 6

    How 142 hours of guerrilla marketing earned a moving company in Phoenix an extra $30k a month in sales

    “New card.” I try to act casual about it but I’m smiling proudly. “What do you think?” “Whoa,” McDermott says, lifting it up, fingering the card, genuinely impressed. “Very nice. Take a look.” He hands it to Van Patten. “Picked them up from the printer’s yesterday,” I mention. “Cool...
  15. 6

    Dealing with a big L

    @tim316 Comparison is the killer of joy, remember as long as you're not a criminal, and always focused on progress, you will have your day. Happy Coding.
  16. 6

    Raised a little over $1M as a pre seed after getting rejected from YC 3 times. AMA

    @yhong Calling YC and people responding to you "stupid" gives me a hint why you were rejected. It's how you come across. I looked up your company. Your product has changed over the last 6 months, going from DeFi security tool to Enterprise LLM / GenAI management platform. The first one was in...
  17. 6

    How to handle the stigma of leaving a white collar job for a sweaty startup?

    @gonick (1) Management / Strategic Initiatives. (2) Warehousing / Logistics / Wholesale (3) Family was worried about how I'll cope with moving from a desk job to a job that requires hard, physical labor. (4) Friends thought I was either nuts or going through a mid-life crisis so spent a...