How is Yelp still in business

@intelligentthinking They are in business only because of apple maps.

Unfortunately apple maps use yelp when you search for restaurants/shops near you. So every apple map user when searching for places is using yelp indirectly

Apple really needs to build their own review system for these places and dump yelp.

I am one of those people who likes apple maps more than google maps. I just find apple map way cleaner, more intuitive to follow directions when driving. But i switchover to google maps when I need to find new places near me like finding restaurants and reading reviews. Apple redirects me to yelp when I try to find reviews for a place. Yelp is trash
@lovepugs I guess there are folks out there like you that prefer apple maps, but I would have thought that they were in the minority compares to other apps like google maps.

The biggest thing I like about google maps over apple maps is I have a weird preference when I'm driving that my GPS take me to the place I actually want to go.
@bmax1985 That stereotype of apple maps not taking you to the right place is no longer true. They completely rebuilt the maps from scratch over 3 years and launched it last year. The new apple maps is as good as google maps.
@lovepugs I still have issues sometimes when I don’t have the exact right name of a location, or a more obscure place, and Google usually nails it. Like say for example, I want to go to the “Chiles Center” (an arena on a small college campus), Apple Maps blows it.

*this is an example, I tried Apple Maps and it knows the Chiles Center, but other locations like this have still failed for me recently.
@lovepugs I don’t like google maps. Mostly layout and design. I do like Apple Maps, however I can’t stand it when I make a wrong turn and it just says “proceed to the route”. Waze is my favorite. Real-time user generated alerts on top of good navigation wins.
@kevt I use google for plain and simple directions, I do like the better traffic features in Waze.

I wish there was a setting in Waze though for "don't reroute me through a gated community because you think it will save me two minutes."
@lovepugs It's pretty hilarious that one of the most innovative and we'll funded companies on the planet spent three years on building something... Just so it could be about "as good as" an app that has already existed for over a decade.
@cocoon87 Apple, a hardware company building software that is as good as google, which is a dedicated software company is like a baseball team building a basketball team that’s good enough to compete in the NBA.

Now compare the other way, Google’s hardware capabilities is dog shit compared to apple’s hardware capabilities.
@cocoon87 competitors don't really be selling this info a lot I don't think. Like google doesn't want apple to be better why would they help them? I'm sure it's a combo of getting people who know what they're doing and putting their own little twist on it. I prefer apple maps but its all UI shit I just like how it feels and works.
@bmax1985 I switched to Apple Maps because of CarPlay, it made better use of both screens (Google Maps has adopted this since) I still switch between the two on occasion, but Google recently changed the color scheme and I couldn’t figure out where it was trying to send me. Screw that, 1 job and you failed.

Also, I hate the new marker icon, no longer looks like a map.

And Google Maps has a history of doing stupid things too. I know there were a few bugs in the old Apple Maps release (5 years ago?) but it’s on par now.

Dumb things Google Maps has done to me:
  1. Sent me on a 5 minute detour when I could see my destination across the street. Not common but it’s done this a few times
  2. Repeatedly route me to a street that had been closed for months because I assume “there’s no traffic”
  3. Google is far more aggressive about monetizing my info than Apple
@susannjenga I think one of the issues with Google Maps is that it's user generated (is it still? I presume so) so idiots can edit it and break it.

I used to live on a one way street and I was forever editing the direction as someone else kept editing it back. No directions from my home worked because Google sent me the wrong way down the street.

Two weeks ago Google helpfully saved me 2 minutes by sending me through a bus lay-by.

Lots of the businesses in Google Maps have been added in the wrong place by users. My business has an office location that has closed and Google refuses to remove it.
@greenhill Yeah, there are always going to be errors in map data, for whatever reason it just became a meme to dump on Apple maps, as if others didn't have issues. A street near where we used to live was listed as through, even though about 200ft of it was a walking trail. But multiple systems had the error, Garmin, Google, etc.
@bmax1985 It’s in everyone’s best interest for there to be differences of opinion and competition in the marketplace. It makes everyone better.

If it was only Android or only iOS they would be a lot worse.

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