How is Yelp still in business


New member
It blows my mind. My family business is a very large, reputable and well known construction company by pretty much everyone that lives in our city. Excellent word to mouth, over 35k customers, have won multiple small business of the year awards..

We have 530 google reviews at a 4.6 rating. A+ BBB with 4.5 rating and so on. They’re all consistent.. except yelp. 1.5 rating .. negative reviews by people literally posting “don’t like their advertising” and insulting reviews that we have no where else (even the negative reviews anywhere else aren’t even close to how bad the yelp ones are). There’s not one positive review. We have like 70+ positive reviews all hidden because of suspicious content lol.

I’m completely aware of how yelp works and the giant scam they pull on businesses that don’t pay them. A ton of people know about yelp but they are still a top review page on google and tied in with apple. When i start type in our company name in the safari search bar, it even pops up.. smh
@melco Specifically mentioning they don't like your advertising sounds very fishy considering it's been proven that spiteful Yelp employees and/or their friends will absolutely neg your business if you don't succumb to their incessant sales calls.

This is why it's best to not even answer their calls. If you happen to answer, just tell them you don't have money for advertising. When a friend first put their business online, they would get a ton of sales calls from Yelp. As soon as my friend told them they had no money for advertising, the calls seemingly disappeared and my friend hasn't had sales calls from them in several years. Use their greed against them, although it might be late in your instance. I would consider deleting the contaminated listing and making a new profile just to get the fake reviews off while still getting the link juice.

Also, I'm not sure why they do this but it's probably for some schemey underhanded bullshit reason, but I noticed my friend's Yelp listing URL was, then after a few years had a -3 appended to it, such as So for whatever reason, Yelp cloned their profile over to a new one with a new URL. The -1 does not redirect, but the original URL and the -2 redirect to the -3 version. Again, not sure why, but it's a thing they do.

Not sure why "do no evil" Google lists them so high and gives them "authority", but Yelp can suck it.

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